vCenter同士は信頼関係を結ぶことによって、vCenterをまたがるCross vCenter vMotionと呼ばれるオンライン移行が可能になります。このページではCLIを用いたCross vCenter vMotionの設定を説明します。
接待値 | 1台目 | 2台目 |
IPアドレス | | |
FQDN | vcenter01.gokatei.go | vcenter02.gokatei.go |
SSOドメイン | gokatei1.go | gokatei2.go |
ユーザ名 | administrator | administrator |
パスワード | P@ssw0rd | P@ssw0rd |
Cross vCenter vMotion環境の構築
Cross vCenter vMotionはvCenterのインストール時だけでなく、後からでも設定可能です。
[root@centos221 ~]# ssh VMware vCenter Server Type: vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller root@'s password: Connected to service * List APIs: "help api list" * List Plugins: "help pi list" * Launch BASH: "shell" Command>
cmsso-util domain-repoint -m pre-check --src-emb-admin administrator --replication-partner-fqdn vcenter01.gokatei.go --replication-partner-admin administrator --dest-domain-name gokatei1.go
引数 | 意味 |
src-emb-admin | 自身のユーザ名 |
replication-partner-fqdn | 拡張リンクを結ぶ相手のFQDN |
replication-partner-admin | 拡張リンクを結ぶ相手のユーザ名 |
dest-domain-name | 拡張リンクを結ぶ相手のSSOドメイン名 |
前述のコマンドを入力すると、自身のパスワード(Source embedded vCenter Server Admin Password)と、拡張リンクを結ぶ相手のパスワード(Replication partner Platform Services Controller Admin Password)の入力を求められます。
Command> cmsso-util domain-repoint -m pre-check --src-emb-admin administrator --replication-partner-fqdn vcenter01.gokatei.go --replication-partner-admin administrator --dest-domain-name gokatei1.go Enter Source embedded vCenter Server Admin Password : Enter Replication partner Platform Services Controller Admin Password : The domain-repoint operation will export License, Tags, Authorization data before repoint and import after repoint. WARNING: Global Permissions for the source vCenter Server system will be lost. The administrator for the target domain must add global permissions manually. Source domain users and groups will be lost after the Repoint operation. User 'administrator@gokatei1.go' will be assigned administrator role on the source vCenter Server system. The default resolution mode for Tags and Authorization conflicts is Copy, unless overridden in the conflict files generated during pre-check. Solutions and plugins registered with vCenter Server must be re-registered. vCenter Server details in target Platform Services Controller are not provided. Tags/Authorization conflicts will not be checked. Before running the Repoint operation, you should backupof all nodes. You can use file based backups to restore in case of failure. By using the Repoint tool you agree to take the responsibility for creating backups, otherwise you should cancel this operation.
Repoint Node Information: Source embedded vCenter Server:vcenter02.gokatei.go Replication partner Platform Services Controller: vcenter01.gokatei.go Thumbprint: 9A:87:40:62:BA:18:DA:1C:AF:51:80:9B:01:94:9B:A6:D8:9D:23:14 All Repoint configuration settings are correct; proceed? [Y|y|N|n]: Y Exiting the domain-repoint tool.
Starting License pre-check ... Done Starting Authz Data export ... Done Starting Tagging Data export ... Done Conflict data, if any, can be found under /storage/domain-data/Conflict*.json Pre-checks successful.
それでは、実際に拡張リンクを作成します。前述のcmsso-utilコマンドで「-m pre-check」を「-m execute」に変更したものが実際に拡張リンクを作成するコマンドです。
cmsso-util domain-repoint -m execute --src-emb-admin administrator --replication-partner-fqdn vcenter01.gokatei.go --replication-partner-admin administrator --dest-domain-name gokatei1.go
前述のコマンドを入力すると、自身のパスワード(Source embedded vCenter Server Admin Password)と、拡張リンクを結ぶ相手のパスワード(Replication partner Platform Services Controller Admin Password)の入力を求められます。
Command> cmsso-util domain-repoint -m execute --src-emb-admin administrator --replication-partner-fqdn vcenter01.gokatei.go --replication-partner-admin administrator --dest-domain-name gokatei1.go Enter Source embedded vCenter Server Admin Password : Enter Replication partner Platform Services Controller Admin Password : The domain-repoint operation will export License, Tags, Authorization data before repoint and import after repoint. WARNING: Global Permissions for the source vCenter Server system will be lost. The administrator for the target domain must add global permissions manually. Source domain users and groups will be lost after the Repoint operation. User 'administrator@gokatei1.go' will be assigned administrator role on the source vCenter Server system. The default resolution mode for Tags and Authorization conflicts is Copy, unless overridden in the conflict files generated during pre-check. Solutions and plugins registered with vCenter Server must be re-registered. Before running the Repoint operation, you should backupof all nodes. You can use file based backups to restore in case of failure. By using the Repoint tool you agree to take the responsibility for creating backups, otherwise you should cancel this operation.
Repoint Node Information: Source embedded vCenter Server:vcenter02.gokatei.go Replication partner Platform Services Controller: vcenter01.gokatei.go Thumbprint: 9A:87:40:62:BA:18:DA:1C:AF:51:80:9B:01:94:9B:A6:D8:9D:23:14 All Repoint configuration settings are correct; proceed? [Y|y|N|n]: Y
Starting License export ... Done Export Service Data ... Done Uninstalling Platform Controller Services ... Done Stopping all services ... Done Updating registry settings ... Done Re-installing Platform Controller Services ... Done Registering Infra services ... Done Starting License import ... Done Starting Authz Data import ... Done Starting Tagging Data import ... Done Starting CLS import ... Done Starting WCP service import phase... ... Done Starting NSXD import ... Done Applying target domain CEIP participation preference ... Done Starting all services ... Done Repoint successful.
1台構成のvMotionと同様に、Cross vCenter vMotionも同じく、vmkに対してvMotion有効化の設定が必要です。「ESXiホスト」「設定」「VMkernelアダプタ」「3点リーダ」の順に選んで設定画面を開きます。
Cross vCenter vMotion環境の動作確認
登録解除はvCenterの停止は必須です。この操作を怠ると後続の操作でエラーが発生します。公式の見解は「Repoint a vCenter Server Node to a New Domain」を参照ください。
[root@centos221 ~]# ssh VMware vCenter Server Type: vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller root@'s password: Connected to service * List APIs: "help api list" * List Plugins: "help pi list" * Launch BASH: "shell" Command>
Command> cmsso-util unregister --node-pnid vcenter02.gokatei.go --username administrator@gokatei1.go Password: Solution users, computer account and service endpoints will be unregistered 2021-04-23T15:33:03.495Z Running command: ['/usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/dir-cli', 'service', 'list', '--login', 'administrator@gokatei1.go'] 2021-04-23T15:33:03.515Z Done running command Stopping all the services ... All services stopped. Starting all the services ... Started all the services. Success
しかし、2台目(vcenter02)を起動すると、2台目(vcenter02)は1台目(vcenter01)を認識している事が分かります。1台目(vcenter01)と2台目(vcenter02)を互いに独立させるには、1台目(vcenter01)と2台目(vcenter02)の両方で「cmsso-util unregister」の操作が必要です。
登録解除はvCenterの停止は必須です。この操作を怠ると後続の操作でエラーが発生します。公式の見解は「Repoint a vCenter Server Node to a New Domain」を参照ください。
[root@centos221 ~]# ssh -l root VMware vCenter Server Type: vCenter Server with an embedded Platform Services Controller root@'s password: Connected to service * List APIs: "help api list" * List Plugins: "help pi list" * Launch BASH: "shell" Command>
Command> cmsso-util unregister --node-pnid vcenter01.gokatei.go --username administrator@gokatei1.go Password: Solution users, computer account and service endpoints will be unregistered 2021-04-23T15:48:19.505Z Running command: ['/usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/dir-cli', 'service', 'list', '--login', 'administrator@gokatei1.go'] 2021-04-23T15:48:19.532Z Done running command Stopping all the services ... All services stopped. Starting all the services ... Started all the services. Success